19 april 2009

Talking about others

Talking about others
Whenever I’m in a conversation talking about others I see how we talk about others without any selfdirection. It’s a reflection of who we are, if you didn’t direct yourself within what you realize in the moment when being with others you will end up looping yourself. It’s always an indicator of where you stand. If you talk about people from the startingpoint of I didn’t direct myself when the actual event occurred, you missed the point you missed the breath and the opportunity to direct yourself.
It’s the exact same thing. The nature of what you see in others is what you living yourself: missing the point to direct yourself.. And so we keep everything as it is until the point will occur again.
Talking about others without any selfdirection or practical solutions is pointless.

16 april 2009

Questions to assist with exploring the issue of money

Questions to assist with exploring the issue of money
for everyone- -by Gabriel Zamora Moreno

"If i had no money, who would i be ?"
totally fucked
I would have no self esteem, no house, no money, no friends, nothing. Society would spit me out,they would see me as a looser. Unwanted an outcast.

"if i had a billion, who would i be ?"
I would feel great, no more worries about money

"if someone gave me a billion, who would i be?"
Grateful and greedy

"if someone stole all my money, who would i be?"
Very angry

"if i worked and didn't get my pay at the end of the month, who would i be?"
Very fucking angry

"if i suddenly had children to take care of financially, who would i be?"

"if the government would seize all my property, who would i be?"
Beyond fucking angry

"if i was in enormous debt, who would i be?"

"in all those situations, would i remain the same?"
I would react big time because really come on lack of MONEY will reveal your real colours- not a pretty sight.

Conclusion- we are fucked and trapped in and by the money system.

An agreement on a new set of rules of an One and Equal money system for all from birth to death. This will change all outflows of us humans and how we exist.

Who would I be, without money?
There is not such a thing of who I would be when existing as in having lack of money or having no money at all. There is no "WHO AM I" . No not at all. There is only survival to be concerned about, currently many do live like this in the world.
Who would I be when I would have been born into a family without money at all. No there is no equality in this world, it depends on where you are born.

Many see that the world is one, It's time to realize and walk the practical solutions that we are ALL One and Equal.

15 april 2009


After a conversation I had, I see that I can only trust that what is here within the walking within the physical expression, the selfexpression here as me and others.
I see how I always relied on words spoken in the past within certain moments and that I trusted these words as an agreement of trust.
I realized that I cannot put trust in this.
The only trust I can have which is real is what is here immediate in the moment and that trust as within words spoken by someone else is not something to put trust in. It will fuck you
I can only find out when we walk together,within the actuality of us and see who the other is and who I am while we are living the words spoken.

9 april 2009

What if I am wrong?

When I have clarity but do not direct myself within clarity but instead I hold myself back. Between the moment of clarity and holding back I experience fear I experience FEAR pertrifying FEAR
Its not an external fear in terms of that something outside triggered the fear e.g I fear a person or a reaction within the other- which is cloaked fear of self
No it’s internal , the fear of the fear. Direct here within myself.
There is no way out, SF won’t do the trick anymore so to speak. Nope I have to walk through it.
In the moment that I’m able to walk the correction in terms of a event , that I actually can walk the corrective application here in the physical as me standing as me here as me – I hold back

What’s behind it?
Not wanting to take responsibility, afraid of taking self responsibility.
What if I make that post, what if I correct others as me within the clarity that’s me?
What if I am wrong?
What does this imply?
That I have to take responsibility for my words, for my deeds here within the actuality of me instead within the clarity wherein I do not direct myself but can always relay on this clarity as an source hidden away from everyone, only existing in my mind, the illusionair realms, and from there it’s already creating morality.
Fuck- knownledge is useless when not lived
It locks into female ego and from there into the mothermatrix.
So I hold back – keep everything as it – accepting and allowing everything as it is- not ‘able’ to push myself through the point of pertrifying fear

Particpating in the same thing over and over again, hoping that one day it will have a different outcome?
Within the holding back there comes sadness,deep sadness.

It has been pointed out to me that when I’m holding back I’m afraid to show to myself that I actually have transcended the point, that I’m actually walking the correction.
How fucking stupid is this?
It’s stupidity

I start seeing that the physical is the only place that is real and that every correction is a physical correction.You have to physicaly correct yourself, you have to become it and then it’s a expression of me here within the physical. Me as Self Expression not within any realm of the mind, but here within me as the expression of me here within the physical, within my body.

I stop
I see the point
I walk the correction
I see that real change is possible

About me

In changing the Money System – we change All else- equalmoney.org